[TV:] Why do people like "House"?

So, when I've found myself bored at home (that is, most of the time), I've sometimes come across a show about a total dick who happens to be a great doctor. Well, he's not just a total dick. He's an egotist, a narcissist, and apparently a masochist because he still deals with these people that he supposedly hates.

Of course I speak of Dr. Gregory House, star of my pick for the second most overrated medical drama on TV next to Grey's Anatomy (and when you're up against ER, that's saying something). I can't get into this show at all. The episodes have the same basic formula, which goes a little like this:

Someone's in trouble.
The team tries to figure out what their problem is while House abuses them.
Diagnosis is wrong because of conflicting symptoms.
Repeat the last two over and over again for an hour.
Cheesy moment between a doctor and the patient which is interrupted by something terrible.
House saves the day and gets his jollies off of insulting his cohorts and fellow misfit doctors.

Don't worry, I'm not an idiot who thinks they "copied" Dr. Cox. People who think that are stupid. I just don't like any of the characters or the storylines, or the dialogue. I mean, beyond all that it's really a well-done show, but I just can't seem to get it.

Needless to say, my family loves it and watches it all the time.


  1. Charlie |

    haha ya i used to like House but ya it got boring cos they tried to have this ongoing plot but ya every single damn episode is the exact same. House is yet another member of this decaying class of TV shows: The Office, Scrubs, South Park, Family Guy, etc. We need new primetime shows that don't suck ass! The only good television these days can be found on AdultSwim and youtube

  2. Michael Rowland |

    We'll see how Scrubs does this season... I'm willing to bet money that it'll be good - great. It's bowing out gracefully, unlike those other shows you listed.

    Adult Swim is good sometimes, but it also has some of the shittiest shows I have ever seen.

  3. Charlie |

    ya Scrubs is about to sing its Swan Song.
    and you're right about Adult Swim, honestly i was mostly just speaking from what i've heard from trusted opinionators since i rarely watch that show/channel/entity(?)

  4. Anonymous |

    house is the shit. nuff said

  5. Michael Rowland |

    If by the shit you mean shit... then yes. :P

  6. Anonymous |

    First, I want to commend you on the header of your blog. The creepy picture, along with the subtitle referring to some kind of "sexual magic," really makes the audience feel awkward, uncomfortable and, well, creeped out. I hope that's not you in the picture. Actually, if it is, then you are a comedic genius. Irrelevant, even if it's not, you are a comedic genius. But not really.

    House is formulaic. Duh. But the reason people love House is why people love assholes in general, especially competent assholes. People love watching someone stick it to someone, and most importantly, people wish they could. The reason everyone isn't going around being a dick like House is because they lack the balls, intelligence, distance and world view House has. Everyone wants to be a dick because everyone hates everyone else. Now instead of that, we get a plethora of fake smiles and brownnosing, all smarmy and detestable.


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