
     I think it's time we step back and appreciate everyone's favorite kind of person... a little person! Now everyone knows the obvious reasons for loving little people: They have small steps yet they seem to walk 100mph, they can sometimes beat much younger boys in soccer, they are as good as normal sized people in mathematics and the performing arts. But what they lack in size... they also lack in musical and non-performing arts. They sometimes tip over from a gust of wind. But that's not the only reason why we should love them... we should love them because they are people just like you or me or Jay Leno and they have feelings and emotions and brains and hearts just like us... except smaller, and therefore less important... but not unimportant. And thats when we need to step back and realize how much they help us. For if it weren't for little people... would anyone ever pick flowers for big people to enjoy? Probably... but do we really want to find out?...No! 
     So that's all i have to say for right now, clearly i have no knowledge on the subject of little people; which brings the question to my mind: Why was I asked to post on a blog primarily designed to help little people get through the day? Who knows.. some things are a mystery. Like why do big people find it oh-so enjoyable to follow right behind little people, especially when they get really close to a wall or tree? It's just one of those unanswered questions on everyone's mind. I would also like to point out that everyone knows Jesus Christ was 1/4 little person, so before you make fun... think to yourself: Would i make fun of part of Jesus? Of course not! So show some respect people! 
     And p.s. if you are 5 feet tall.. you are not a little person! You are a small big person and you are the worst kind of person!

     Dan Brown is an accomplished writer, whose novels "The Da Vinci Code" and "Angels and Demons" both really suck but somehow became movies. Wait, no that's a different Dan Brown. This Dan Brown goes to Kansas University and enjoys wondering about the intricacies of life. If he's not eating ice cream then he's not breathing and if he's not breathing then odds are he's dead. He's a great guy and he'll be the first person to vouch for that.


  1. Charlie |

    Wee Man would curbstomp you

    ...if he was tall enough to raise his foot over your head XD

  2. Michael Rowland |

    This was so awesome that I am making Dan's entry a weekly thing and having guest entries on Saturday now.


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