[Random:] Rick-Rolling is Dead

So, apparently at the Thanksgiving Day parade, they decided it would be really funny to "Rick Roll" everyone and have "Never Gonna Give You Up" start playing as the ageless Rick Astley walked out of the float and lip-synched to that song is only famous for being so fucking bad.
The joke is officially dead and buried now folks. Nothing to see here. Never again will a link on youtube seem too good to be true and then lead us to that familiar electronic drum intro.

It's just like the Chinpokomon South Park episode where the parents start playing with the chinpokomon toys and then the kids don't like them anymore because of how lame their parents made it look. Although Rick-Rolling was always lame. What happened here was not epic or funny at all.

God, I hate when old out of touch people learn about internet memes. "Have you seen that Chocolate Rain video? It made me LOL"

1 Comment

  1. Charlie |

    yeah NBC sux
    i hate TV


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